Thursday, June 10, 2010

IN THE HURT BOX. Day 1, Boulder.

Stats and randomness from my first decent ride in Boulder, Colorado.
- Altitude 6,000 feet...guessing
- 1 brew
- 2 massive hills- Mt Hotham distance
- 1 dirt road (long time)
- ½ time on dirt road only a back brake
- 3 boys willing to wait for me at the top of every climb
- Quote of ride “there is a section up here that’s pretty steep and makes you kind of sad, but just at the views” - Mara Abbott (Didn’t see the speed star for the rest of the ride...she had a easy day as well...)
- Michael Jackson song, “Beat it” in my head the WHOLE day

My first day riding in the hills of Boulder, was knocking on the door of “fun”, but dragging my arse over the hilly terrain and breathing through a straw took me back a step. Looking forward to some good training ahead, the area reminds me over a mix- combo of Adelaide and Bright. Tonight brings a session of Yoga with Jolene from Holland, that’s if my limbs can still move by then.

Stay tuned


Cat Greene said...

only one beer?

JRAvanti said...

Geez Ange, Ur almost motivating me to get on the bike!! It,s 3 Deg here in the mornings ATM.

JRAvanti said...

Hi Ange, hope Ur well. Just thought I'd let you know that 2 mornings this week it was -2. Very chilly. Enjoy the sun while U can.

Ange said...

Cat in Australia brew means coffee!

Yeah John have heard about the cold!!the whole of year 12 it took me 20minutes to put on all my clothing in the morning!..It's kinda strange but i miss those cold morning rides!