Thursday, April 22, 2010

Where I'm at...

It's been along time between blogs and a lot has happened...!

At the moment I'm in the America racing for the develop team of Webcor Professional Woman's Team title ' Webcor Alto Velo Bridge Team', and absolutely loving it!

The racing is faster, harder and so many more girls, even at the local races!My Next race is the Tour of Gila and it will be my first race with the Webcor professional team which I'm very excited about to be racing with the professional girls, working with the staff and above all having a lot of fun racing in New Mexico, I plan to be blogging throughout this race so stay turned...!

So my days revolve around waking up, emails, face book, cycling news and all that jazz, followed by training (on the bike and off) then hitting up coffee, either chilling out with a book in hand, or with friends, or exploring America!So I'm pretty lucky at the moment living the life I am, don't get me wrong there is some hard work going on to get me in the same place next year but hopefully a Pro and being paid!

The one standout thing that needs to be mentioned is the awesome people I have met! I have training partners all around me, everywhere I stay the families welcome me into there homes, and I've never spent so much time hanging out and just talking while the hours tick by!Its great!

Well must be off dinner awaits, this blog is just a warm up to what is to come!



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